terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2015

Thorin and Wren - from "Thorin's Queen" fanfiction

Hello again!

This time I have a few drables to show, inspired in Kkolmakov's fanfiction "Thorin's Queen" https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10453684/8/Thorin-s-Queen ) which I loved reading <3.

The first is just a profile sketch from the neck up, the second, a cute little "fight" between the two. Of course, that Thorin knows Wren's strong opinions and despite his "macho" temper, he none the less respects them, with a sort of condescendente half smirk.
The third is a passage in the story, which I thought it was great for a few laughs. Thorin is held down in the floor by Wren's little body and attitude, impeding him from taking an action - which you will understand, upon reading this story -. Of course that i tried to make the best of this "imaginary" situation, to draw a completely flabbergasted - and for that, his lack of reaction - Thorin. I guess he was stupidified by Wren sitting down on him, a king ... that his mind had to go blank from surprise. XD

Hope you like it! (soon to be added some color)

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2015

A Thorin's first illustration - the half smirk -

Thorin Oakenshield - Tolkien's character

I did this one, some two months ago. Just for the fun of it.

"What of it?" - like Thorin would say... XD

Using my drawing style, of course, I wanted so bad to try my luck at this amazing character, that I love <3. 
Thorin is known for not smiling - one or two occasions - but his half smirk is one of his trademarks. So here it is. a Step by step, 3 hour illustration. Made will looooove XD

Thorin Oakenshield's half smirk

Wren of Enedwaith - first sketches

- Wren is a O.C. from a fanfiction writer, - Kkolmakov (https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4633889/)- of whom I am terribly fan <3, for her imagination, stories Tolkien related, specially Thorin's related stories <3, and Wren..Wren is a very special O.C., and i could sense, from Kkolmakov's writing, a very dear character to her. And so it also became to me... Perhaps because I see something of myself in her, but mostly because she could bring peace, love and a loads of lovely intimate moments to a Tolkien character, of noble character and noble stubborness :-D, the one named Thorin Oakenshield.

As it turns out he is a very, very interesting character altogether, and i could see it from the growing fanfictions created around his story - book and movies -. Seems like we all search for a Thorin somewhere, and the opportunity to live and love by his side ;-).
This is my first post for this blog.
And this is Wren. A first approach, drawn in quick watercolours and pencil, keeping in mind mostly Kkolmakov's fanfiction "Me without you".

These are a couple of early sketches of this character's physiognomy. The expressions are very important in a character build-up. Wren is ginger, with slanted green/hazel/almost yellow eyes. She is quite the little woman, full of life and quick snotty answers. She quickly answers back to Thorin, with no holding back of her thoughts. She is witty, straightforward and has quite a practical line of though, to life. Maybe because of her work.

Wren of Enedwaith

- Erebor and Dale in the background and Wren on the lake's waters. She is also a healer and a very passionate one. I don't recall she using a staff in this story or in others, but i can easily imagine her using one ;-) just as a symbol.